Bringing Back the Joy

Here we are.  The last day of school.  It’s a bittersweet moment in time.  A month ago, we were limping to the end of the school year.  I thought we weren’t going to make it.  School was becoming my nemesis, as was the homework I no longer gave a shit about, or cared to expend […]

Summer Vegetable Garden

A few weeks back when I posted the raised garden bed how to, I never expected the responses of how lucky I was to have the space and the right amount of sun to have a garden.  Both are fairly important starting out of course.  Our backyard garden is big, and mostly because a) I […]

Things I Am Sick Of Saying Vol. 2

Guys.  It’s MMMMAAAAYYYYY!  I mean, I want to shout it from the roof tops.  The sun is shining, the warm air finally made its way here, there is vegetables and seeds to get planted, enough mulching to last a lifetime.  It’s May!  It’s also that month that I look at my calendar, and thank God […]

Backyard Raised Bed

Five years ago, I was determined to start a backyard vegetable garden. It was really small because the boys were so young I knew I could barely manage the three boxes I had built.  I strategically placed them close to our house thinking that would be enough to deter the deer.  It didn’t take long […]

The Challenges in Safety

Two months ago, life found me excited for Chloe, Adam, Shuan, Mirai, and many, many more.  I was enjoying time in my kitchen exploring different foods from different cultures, and showing the boys how much fun olympic cheering can really be.  And then there was a shooting.  And I turned the tv off and walked […]