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About two weeks ago there was snow in the forecast. Glorious, wonderful snow. And guess what? I know you will be stunned. It. Freakin’. Rained. On. My. Snow. Day. I just played along. If you follow me on instagram, you saw me pretending along on the very lousy snow day. It was in the playing along, that I realized, I have, we have, zero downtime. I have, for a long time, been working thru the concept that I don’t have to justify watching a movie or reading a book. What’s the point of the sleepless nights, and packed schedules if we can’t ever just say, “Today, I am resting, resetting, enjoying.” A little January-full-of-fun recap.
You and I may not have the same taste in movies, or books (which I still have a tough time reviewing because I don’t want to give the story away). You may like the History Channel or HGTV. Whatever it may be take the time. Take. The. Time. And don’t justify it.
Wonder what February has in store for us!