Movie Night Popcorn Bar

I love movies.  In my life before little people, it was one of my favorite things to do, and I would go on a weekly basis. In truth, it still is, but I don’t go as often as I want (I think I am averaging one adult movie a year for the last seven years).  As a result of my love for movies, L&L have the same love.  They are old enough to go to the theatre, sit, watch, and enjoy with no complaining or needing to run out often for bathroom breaks; the problem lies in the fact that there are long stretches of time where there isn’t an age appropriate/content appropriate movie in the theatre to go and see.

Enter HOME MOVIE NIGHT!  It’s sometimes even better than going to the movies because you can be in your pjs, snuggled with your favorite blanket, stuffed animal, and pillow, and the pause feature is easily in effect if needed.

In case you missed it, Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens™ (L&L say the full title when discussing) was released digitally and on blu ray/dvd this week.  We did go to the theatre back in December to see it, and we have been discussing its release on blu ray ever since.  Like all good (insert 4/5/6) Star Wars™ movies) it needs to be watched many times over.  There is just so much to see.  My first priority after dropping the kids to school on Tuesday was getting Star Wars™.  And while we normally don’t have movie night in the middle of the week, this was a special occasion.

After homework, dinner and getting pjs on, it was time for Star Wars™ and snacks. What’s a movie night without movie theatre snacks?

It’s pretty simple.  I start with the classic popcorn, and build from there.  I have an oil popper, and I use coconut oil.  You can use anything you’ve got.  Microwave, pre-popped store bought, air popped, whirly popped, stove popped.  You get the idea.  That’s one thing I really enjoy about movie night, the possibilities are endless.

When Target has movie snacks on sale, I pick up a bunch and stash them deep in the pantry. L&L were upset that we didn’t have Swedish Fish®, but as I pointed out to them, they had eaten them all.

This is a make your own popcorn/movie snack bar.  I just dish up everything, so we aren’t reaching into boxes.  Everyone gets a bowl and napkin and can put what they want in their bowl.

My Facebook followers saw this Tuesday. You get the idea.

We all enjoyed the movie even more the second time because Michel was with us.  And that is a treat unto itself.

Movie Night Snack Bar
I have made a list of suggestions, but there is no limit.

Goldfish®/Cheez It®
Fruit chews, fruit snacks, dried fruit
Candy – all kinds, theatre style and your favorites

Place each item in its own dish.  Give each movie watcher their own dish to mix and match.  Press play. Enjoy!

2 Replies to “Movie Night Popcorn Bar”

  1. Great idea! Bonus, I didn’t know Target put those items on sale!!

  2. Jim Oremland says:

    For the Adults, add an oaky Chardonny to go with that popcorn.

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