Feelin’ It Friday II

I know many across this great land spent the last week planting flowers and herbs and veggies. Probably some mulch, weeding, a few trips to the landfill, Home Depot, and the local nursery. Our veg garden is on a summer hiatus. Some of the beds are in bad shape, and I need to rethink how it’s laid out and frankly, after summers of too much rain, I need a break. But a few annuals, never hurt anyone.

I am feelin’ MONOCHROME
For this annual arrangement, I settled on golds (not that you can tell, they are in denim colored pots) and made sure that they all needed the same sun and water.

A mix of zinnia, snap dragon, lantana, wavy petunia, and calibrachoa.

The boys and I, along with my parents, had the luxury of motoring out on their sailboat this past Wednesday to see the Blue Angels perform as part of the US Naval Academy commissioning week. It was a powerful sight to see. The skill, talent, speed and sound, it’s impressive to say the least.

I truly couldn’t get over what I was seeing, and knowing how incredibly special it is to live in a place that this is accessible.

As today kicks off Memorial Day weekend, may we never forget the bravery of the millions of American men and women that came before us to fight for our freedoms. May the gift of their lives never be taken in vain.