For those lucky souls that following me on instagram, this past Saturday, they experienced “scenes from a very weird snow day.” It was in fact, not a snow day. The storm that was going to bring snow was a bust in the morning, and by afternoon, it did bring the expected ice (which as a […]
Chef’s Onion Soup

There are few things in life more comforting than a bowl of soup. When school closed early this past week because of pending snow, I could only think of two things. Lies. Three things. Fresh bread, onion soup, and I need to create my top ten (or top whatever number it may actually be) snow […]
Spicy Tomato Soup

And just like that October went by in a blink of an eye. The first two months of school are so fast and furious, only to land us all in faster and more furious. I actually now see how that movie series is up to episode 9. Basketball started this week, and with that we […]
Butternut Squash Soup

It’s sweata weatha, or in my case hooded sweatshirt weather, and SOUPS ON! This is an all time fave. I like it because it’s easy enough to be made on a week night, it’s great by the fire and watching a movie on Saturday night, makes great leftovers for lunch, and in the future, I […]
Quick Bean Soup with Shrimp

All day today I was thinking about all the recipes I want to share with you. And the gardening mishaps I am bound to make. And anecdotes about my kids. (Although, currently, my 8 year old is just trying to give me more grey hair, so I may be holding off on those for a […]